Saturday, March 28, 2009


We are pleased to be writing you from San Carlos, MEXICO!!! We arrived here around 7:30 and it has been awesome (9:30 your time). We had a really good day of driving with very nice roads and the sleep in the hotel was very nice. We arrived at the Nogales, AZ border crossing sometime around 1:30 and ate and had a quick prayer meeting. And God answered our prayers and we made it past the Mexican border stop, as well as mile 21 (where there is a second customs stop) which both gave us green lights to keep going. We were so thankful for this. We had a small delay with a cop who pulled us over, but since we did not know spanish it didn't take long for him to tell us to keep going. So not too long ago we had our first Mexican meal called "chimmy changas" which in my description is deep fried wraps, with roast beef in the middle. It was a very nice change from fast food, and i think i speak for all of us when i say that... Anyhow, we are stoked to be here in Mexico, so excited, and its just such a nice place with such nice weather, and awesome hosts. We plan to wake up sometime around 7:30 tomorrow morning to do our morning routine and then head to church. In the afternoon we plan to take it easy the first day by hiking the oasis, going to the beach, and then leaving for an evening service at Pastor Pablos church. (the church we helped fundraise for at Cornerstone...) We are very excited but also tired from a long trip. infact, i'm pretty sure i'm the only one up right now...It is quarter to eleven and i will probably head to bed shortly.

Thank you so much for you prayers. You can be at ease that we are safe here in Mexico and excited to see what the Lord plans to do with us over this week.


  1. Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. We are praying for you :)

  2. PASE!!! May GOD bless you as you guys serve HIM

    John & Lorna

  3. Thank you for the update. God answers prayers!

  4. Glad to hear you made it safely. Thank you for the update. God Bless

  5. Great to hear from you again , Praise God , He is so good!!! Have agreat day!!! Enjoy !!

  6. Hi everyone, glad you made it there safely. Have a great day in the church services and chillaxing at the oasis, and don't forget to wear your retainers.

  7. It was great, heart warming... to see you all this morning.

  8. I cant wait for you to get back already.!
    Well ill keep on praying for you♥

  9. Hello mission team! Really appreciated the phone call. Glad to hear God granted you safe passage to your destination. No doubt that your first full day was enjoyable. we will be praying for all of you and waiting for more news...we miss u already em! The kids are wondering if you read their notes yet?

  10. Glad to hear that you all made it there safe and sound

  11. Denise:
    I am happy that you made it allright. Our prayers are diffinately being heard! God bless you all for what you are all doing! Keep safe and have fun too.
    From all of us at the Lafreniere home.
